Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Dilasa Help the ones in Need Donate Now


The initiative to support children with special needs was started under BFT we realized that families of children with various neurodevelopmental disorders must deal with multiple burdens including economic, social, and emotional.

Our Purpose

BFT has helped the families of children with various neurodevelopmental and neurological disorders to reduce the financial and economic burden of the family.

4 children were helped with their therapy sessions in year 2017-18. A single case of Downs Syndrome, one with ADHD and 2 children with ASD receives financial assistance towards therapy sessions. One child with refractory epilepsy who needs 4 medications to control her seizures has been provided help to buy medications since then.

types of neurodevelopmental disorders including ASD, CP, ID, ADHD were treated


children with various neurodevelopmental disorders were helped


funds allocated towards support of children

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